Relax User Guide.

Relax User Guide And Starting Instructions.
- Fill the spa to the fill level as shown do not plug the spa in until the spa is full. Please read the Relax User Guide Proir to powering the spa up.
- When the water reaches the fill level turn the water off, you can now plug the spa in to a 13amp supply.
- Once the power is on press the “jets” button once to start the pump on its slow speed, shortly after “pr” will be seen on the LED screen this will stay there for several minutes do not press any buttons whilst this process takes place.
- If you are using a reeled extension cable ensure this is completely un-reeled to ensure it does not overheat. Futhermore use the shortest length of cable possible.
- The LED display will show the water temperature by pressing the up button you can set the target temperature, if this does not read your target temperature press to adjust. Do not use the blower/bubbles whilst the spa is heating.
- If the first dose of Chemicals has not already been added to the water it should now be added this will be 1 scoop directly into the water. Each day thereafter 1 scoop should be added as instructed. DO NOT ADD ANYTHING OTHER THAN THE OXYSURE CHEMICAL WHICH WE HAVE PROVIDED
- The hot tub will take up to 12 hours to reach full temperature this can be reduced by adding hot water from the household domestic supply. In the winter months it can take up to 18 hours to reach the target temperature due to the ambient temperature being so low. Whilst the water is heating keep the thermal cover on this will help the heating process.
- Once the hot tub is ready for use please take care and store the thermal cover in a clean place this will help to keep the water clean. Do not allow anyone to sit on the thermal cover. Keep the cover on the spa when it is not being used even for short periods.
- Finally try to create a clean area around your spa to help to keep the water clean. Moreover swimwear should be rinsed thoroughly, and users should shower prior to using the hot tub.
We do not recommend children under 10 years old use the spa. Please ensure that if any children will be using the hot tub or spa that they are fully supervised at all times “Leicester Hot Tub Hire Ltd” will not be held responsible for any accidents whilst the hot tub or spa is in your care during your hire period.
Anyone with any health issues or taking any medication should not use the hot tub or spa without consulting their doctor first.
During your hire period should you have any problems you can contact us on the following telephone numbers, 07737032299 and 01162599900.
Please also note no adult or child should sit on the filter housing at any time this is a suction area. Do not remove the filter housing whilst the spa is running.
If during your hire period you have any issues with the “mode settings” please follow the instructions below.
The spa is preset to ST Standard Mode. However the modes can be changed and sometimes the user does this by accident. To change the mode from EC Economy or SL Sleep back to ST Standard. Press either the “cool or warm” button then the “light” button with each press. The display will scroll through the different modes. Stop pressing the button when you see “ST” on the screen. This will set it to Standard shortly after this the “temp” will come back on the screen. You will know if you have done this correctly because whilst in Standard Mode it only shows the “temp” on the screen. If its set to EC or SL this will rotate with the temp on the screen.