LX LP200 2hp 1 Speed Hot Tub Pump.
This Chinese LP200 2hp 1 Speed Pump comes with 2″ inch suction and discharge.
1 Year Warranty
How to identify your hot tub or spa pump.
First of all let’s start with the anatomy of the pump. The pump has two main parts the “wet” end and the “dry” end. The “wet” end houses the impeller which moves the water around the spa. The dry end houses the electric motor which moves the impeller.
As these two parts are separate it is possible to replace just the wet end or the motor. However if your entire pump is more than 2-3 years old we recommend replacing the entire thing. Replacing the entire spa pump will save you headaches in the future.
If you are going to replace the entire hot tub pump there are a few things you will need to know when looking for a new pump.
The place to start first will be a visual check on the pump itself. Labels are commonly found on top of the box on top of the motor. This houses the pump wiring and the capacitors. Similarly a metal plate should to attached on the side of the motor. This may tell you all you need, frame size, horse power and speeds. A wiring diagram is usually found inside the box on the top of the pump motor.
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