Balboa GS500Z PCB 53356


Balboa GS500Z PCB 53356 circuit board.


Balboa GS500Z PCB 53356

This is a genuine Balboa GS500Z PCB 53356 circuit board found fitted to Balboa GS series spa control pack. A pack common to Canadian Spas.


1 Pump – 1 or 2 Speed + Circ pump if required.
Ozone – Yes
Heater – Yes
Light – Yes
Sensors – M7

The PCB use’s Balboa’s Duplex VL range of topside controls such as the VL200 or VL404.

All replacement Balboa PCB’s should be fitted with all the dip switch settings set to the same position as your faulty/original PCB. Also the board should be fitted by a qualified tradesman or competent person. Please note an incorrect installation will void Balboa’s manufacturer’s warranty. Furthermore once installed these cannot be returned, all Balboa PCB’s are fully tested before they are dispatched to customers.

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