Aquasafe 90 30-Day Trial Pack


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AquaSafe 90

AquaSafe 90

30 day trial pack

Water control – made simple!

This remarkable formula keeps your water clean, sparkling bright and fresh with no harsh chemicals or irritating odours. These powerful yet gentle cleansers remove contaminants to eliminate unsightly scum and foam and prevents scale or mineral deposits from forming.

Forget the shower after use, as AquaSafe 90 leaves your skin feeling clean, soft and velvety smooth. With no corrosive chemicals in AquaSafe 90 to cause rust, stains or tainted water, your pump, filter, heater and every part of your spa in contact with the water will look better and last longer.


Aquasafe90 30 Day Trial Pack includes:
Trial Size Bottle of AquaSafe90
Trial Size Bottle of AquaSafe Natural Clarifier
1 Pot Filter Flow Oxidising Tablets
1 Bacteria Test Strip


Chemical FREE – Maintenance FREE

•  100% bio-based, all natural seaweed enzymes
•  FREE from chlorine or bromine toxicity – completely
    bio-degradable and non-toxic to the environment 
•  FREE from itching, rashes, dry skin & burning eyes
•  FREE from daily maintenance and testing – NO more test kits!
•  FREE from chemical smells
•  Save water, don’t waste a valuable asset –
     Drain your spa water directly onto your lawn or garden!

How to use AquaSafe 90

1  Shake bottle well before use and add a 500ml bottle of AquaSafe 90 to spas of 1200 – 2250 litres. If your spa is less than 1200 litres add 375ml.

2   After the water has reached the desired temperature (35-37ºc), check the pH level to ensure it is in the range of 8.0 to 8.4. You initially may need to check your pH levels on a weekly basis, although the AquaSafe 90 should maintain the level automatically.

3   Rinse your filter every week or more frequently – based on bather usage. Use a jet attachment on the hose pipe to rinse thoroughly. Soak the filter in a filter cleanser overnight every 4 to 6 weeks, rinse with water and allow to dry before replacing.

4   Drain and refill your spa and add AquaSafe 90 every three months. Don’t forget to use the Reminder Card attached.

We recommend the weekly use of SeaKlear Natural Clarifier Product to keep your water sparkling clear. After each application of SeaKlear run the spa for 20 minutes.

ENJOY a completely natural, low maintenance, skin conditioning product, made exclusively for the hot tub industry!



Bacteria Test Strips are available for regular home water testing. The AquaSafe Bacteria Test Strip is an antibody based rapid test, that detects Pseudomonas, Aeromonas, E.coli, Shigella, species of Salmonella, Enterobacter, Klebsiella, and many other coliform and non-coliform Bacteria in swimming pools and spas – in less than 20 mins. It has all the accuracy and reliability of a lab test in a disposable strip and requires no instrumentation or user training.


At times you may experience an organic smell. This simply means AquaSafe 90 has found contaminants and is working harder. This may suggest your filter requires more frequent cleaning. Make sure the pH is between 8.0 and 8.4. Check to make sure the underside and inside of the cover has been cleaned. If the odour is still present after 24 hours, some SeaKlear Natural Clarifier or an Oxidiser may be used.

AquaSafe 90 is compatible with ozonators, chlorine and bromine.

Cloudy water may be caused by frequent use by a large number of bathers, or lotions, oils, deodorants, sunscreens or other products used on the skin or soap residues in bathing suits.

Useful Tips

To help avoid any issues arising, follow these 6 tips as a preventative measure

1  Set your spa to filter ideally for 16 hours per day – consult your owners manual or telephone for instructions. On lower filtration times of 6 hours per day or less, you should consider using a disposable filter – they are 50% more efficient and do not need any regular cleaning. Visit for further information.

2   Rinse your filter weekly and allow to dry before replacing.

3  Clean filter every 4-6 weeks in a recommended cleaning solution.

4   Add an Oxidiser weekly or twice weekly if Spa is used heavily.

5   Keep a dedicated swimming costume for Spa use – just rinse after use. Do not wash these in detergent and this will prevent any residue entering the spa water.

6   Shower before using Spa – 80% of all water contamination comes from the body.



Below is a list of the main issues that may occur with your spa, but before taking action please telephone our office to discuss your problem.

Issue: Cloudy water

Possible causes

1  A large number of bathers, lotions, oils, deodorants, sunscreens or other products used on the skin, soap residues in bathing suits.

2  Contamination in the water supply or chemical residue from the pipes.

3  A fragrance has been added to the water.

4  Too much AquaSafe 90 has been put into the spa. (See Step Two – No.1)
(for small spas of 1200 litres or under 375ml of AquaSafe 90 is adequate.)


1  Make sure filters are clean and the filtration system runs at least 8 hours a day. Add some oxidiser or clarifier (such as SeaKlear Natural Clarifier).

2  Make sure filters are clean and the filtration system runs at least 8 hours a day. Add some oxidiser or clarifier (such as SeaKlear Natural Clarifier).

3  If a fragrance was put in the water, the tub must be drained and go back to Step 2. Refrain from putting any fragrances in the water with AquaSafe 90. If you have an Aromatherapy Pod you can either use beads or herbal oil dispensed on a linen cloth.

4  It may be necessary to partially drain the tub (drain out 25%) and refill with fresh water. Replenish with correct proportion (125ml) of Aquasafe 90.


Issue: Green water

Possible causes

1  Copper in the water supply

2  Someone with a green bathing suit was in the spa and the colour leaked out into the water. This can happen with new bathing suits.


For a high-copper content, use a product (such as Eco 1 in line pre filter) that helps eliminate metal in the water. For green colour from a bathing suit, it may be necessary to partially drain the tub (drain out 25%) and refill with fresh water. Top up with 125ml of AquaSafe 90.


Issue: Brown ring around the spa

Possible cause

High iron content in the water supply.


Use a product that eliminates metal in the water. If you fill your tub from a hose, it is possible to fit the hose with a filter that removes metals before they get in the tub.

Additional Hints and Tips for using AquaSafe 90

We do not recommend using any fragrances because they may not be compatible.

AquaSafe 90 is a positively charged ion. Your tubs’ surface has a negative charge. Once in a 90-day period, they will bond, and you will notice a slight film develop on the surface of your tub. All that you need to do is wipe the inside of your tub with a clean cloth or sponge to break this bond. The great result of this bonding is that it also creates a natural lubricant within your spa, coating your heating element, pump, seals and your plumbing – allowing your tubs’ mechanics to work longer and better.